What a great series of events today:
- · A lady –and not a Democratic lady-- called to say that she had moved and needed to see if her polling place had changed. Although she hadn’t gone far, it had, indeed. So had her Legislative District. It turns out that not only are Kelli Butler and Dr. Eric Meyer her State Legislative candidates, but their campaign office is a mile from her new home. Long-story-short, she’s now a phone-banker. And she’s brought her sister.
- · A 15-year transplanted Democrat called to ask --make that to complain--why there were not Dems running for certain offices. We had a lot of fun talking about our backgrounds in NY/NJ/CT. Then, for each office that he named without a Dem candidate my answer was the same: “Because you didn’t volunteer to run.” I had to explain that candidates don’t just pop up. People start as members of their Precinct Committee; they become officers in their legislative district. They join community groups and run for office on their School Board. If there are no candidates for a particular office it’s because you didn’t volunteer.
- · My neighbor walked into the office. He’s a strong R. But in response to my comment that some of our other R neighbors have expressed the idea that their party has left them, he said that although he’s always thought of himself as conservative, he now says that he’s actually a “liberal Republican” and voted for Goddard and Garcia. He’s trying to take back his party.