Gov. Ducey need not follow the failed example of Kansas Gov.
Brownback who learned that a state cannot slash and burn its way out of a
budget crisis –not if “Dorothy” ever wants to find her way home.
Our state should have learned from past efforts to replicate
here the failed anti-gay, anti-women, anti-immigrant
ideas of Kansas theoreticians who tried to bring their mean-spiritedness here.
It was a year ago that the Religious News Service pointed out
that “gay rights are
colliding with religious rights in states like Arizona and Kansas as the
national debate over gay marriage morphs into a fight over the dividing line
between religious liberty and anti-gay discrimination.”
Schultz, the State Legislative Policy Director for the American Religious Freedom
Program, called the Kansas bill “a thoughtful and balanced civil rights law,”
saying that the legislation would “ensure that Kansans of all faiths continue
to enjoy robust rights to the free exercise of religion for many generations to
is part of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), a conservative
Washington think-tank.
effort was spearheaded locally by the Center for
Arizona Policy, a social conservative group that opposes abortion
and gay marriage. The group says the proposal is needed to protect against
increasingly activist federal courts and simply clarifies existing state law.
opposite approach was taken by Gov. Jerry Brown of California. He raised taxes
on those who could afford to pay them, and took the state from deficit to
surplus by spending the way out of the recession.
are up in California: 16% of US job growth. The state now has a thriving
economy –8th largest in the world.
Meanwhile, in Arizona there is a looming $1-Billion Dollars
in red ink in a budget of nearly $10-Billion.
We can’t trim our way out of that because educational spending is nearly
half of the budget.
And we owe the state’s schools $1.3-Billion from past
efforts to grow big business on the backs of future voters.
Conservative economist Ben Stein on Fox News said, “I don’t
think there is any way we can cut spending enough to make a meaningful
difference. We are going to have to raise taxes on very rich people.”
Disguise it as “reversing” a 30% cut in the corporate income
tax rate. Fudge it by reinstating an expired sales tax. Call it the new Reaganomics. We can even be honest and make those who earn
more money actually pay more in taxes.