Saturday, October 27, 2012


Signs of a unified, happy marriage in the Glenn Precinct, Phoenix, AZ

Without going into the details about “why,” there are 2, nearly-identical voter registration forms in use.  One, preferred by the state government, requires a photo ID. The other, preferred by the Federal Government, does not.

Recently we held a voter-registration drive at ASU, using the Federal form.  And late Friday we learned that many of those who registered were rejected by the County Elections Office. So a bunch of us started calling those new registrants to see if they have received their Voter ID cards.   And now we’ve been joined in that effort by  AZAdvocacy.  

For details go here:
FYI, is a 501(c)(4) with a sister 501(c)(3) organization. Arizona Advocacy Network Foundation Mission: It secures electoral justice, political rights and full civic participation, especially for underrepresented and marginalized constituencies, to achieve government for the People, not corporations.


Mark said...

I read about this list today. The residency requirements appear to hit students particularly hard. Coincidence?

tony Baloney said...

you have made a great contribution to democracy