Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Getting The Jump On November 2014

How many times have you been canvassing and come across a NO SOLICITING sign?!  Lots, I expect.  (If you haven’t, you’ve not been canvassing enough.)  My general reaction –and this goes back to my days in commercial telecom sales—was to ignore the sign.  If challenged, my response was something along the lines of “What? Do I look like a hooker?!”

Well these days members of the Legislative District 28 Precinct Committee have been pounding the pavement getting signatures on candidate’s petitions so that they can get on the ballot –IN NOVEMBER, 2014. 

Here’s an example of a home-owner with a sense of humor about the process.  And obviously he signed petitions for the four candidates I was promoting –after he took my picture.

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