Saturday, November 03, 2012


Dunno if it’ll turn out to be true; that’s up to law-enforcement to investigate.  But a man called me Saturday to confirm his polling place.  After all, many have changed since 2008, so it seemed to be a routine request.

Then he explained what prompted him to call the Maricopa County Democratic Party:  He had received a robocall from the campaign of a major-party candidate other than ours.  The recorded announcement was to advise voters that their polling place had been changed, and gave the name and address of a facility at some distance.

Trouble is, the “advice” was flat-out wrong.  He was being falsely directed to a polling place out of his precinct where he would not be able to cast his vote.

Please watch this video and share it with your friends, we can't let this stand.

QUESTION 1: Was it a mistake by some list-compiler to have included a Democratic voter in a list aimed to Get Out The Vote for Republicans?

QUESTION 2: Was it a legitimate mistake in matching voter addresses with polling places?

Let's hope that this is an isolated incident and that we don’t read about in the paper or see it on the TV news.

PUTTING IT OUT THERE: For better or worse, most of the racism that we encounter this election season --and at other times-- is hidden, subtle or couched in “acceptable” terms.  “Take back  America” and “restore our society” come to mind.

Not so with one man who returned one of our telemarketing calls, wondering who was calling him and why.  When I told him he said “I’m an entrepreneur so I’m voting for Republicans.”  I said that there are many entrepreneurs who vote Democratic.

His answer: “I’m voting just to get that nigger outta the White House.”  And he hung up.

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