Monday, November 05, 2012


Voters and volunteers call the office with all kinds of questions.  Many are well-meaning.  Yet I’ve been trained to be leery of entrapment.  When a man called to ask whether his wife could bring his early ballot. to the polls on Election Day, it was an easy YES.

Yet when another man called with a “transportation” problem it was a different matter.  He’s a resident of Apache County, “stuck here in Phoenix for the next few days.”  He wondered if there was anything that I could do to help him vote.  Other than telling him to go home to Apache County the answer was NO --a very  difficult NO.

WHAT A THRILL: This first-time voter came to the office for assistance completing his ballot.  Then he went home to assist his wife, after which he brought in both ballots,  depositing them in the special ballot collection box at MCDP.

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