Friday, November 16, 2012


Ken Fallin, famed NYC artist and cousin of Susan Herman, has done many drawings of President Obama. Here he is seen giving a shout-out to the activists at MCDP who worked so hard on his behalf.
From Charles M. Blow, columnist for The New York Times:     There may have been a backlash against voter suppression laws, bringing more minorities to the polls, not fewer. The share of Hispanic voters rose in many states won by Obama. That can be attributed both to the surging Hispanic population in the country and to the Obama campaign’s incredible get-out-the-vote operation. It is less clear why the black vote held steady or grew in many of those states.

In Ohio, for example, blacks jumped from being 11 percent of the voters in 2008 to 15 percent this year. Threaten to steal something, and its owner’s grip grows tighter.

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