Friday, November 09, 2012


A voter deposits her Early Ballot

This note is from Ann Wallack, Chair of the Maricopa County Democratic Party:
We received an update from the County Elections Department yesterday.  Here are some highlights:
200 people are working from 7 AM to 10 PM daily, including Veteran's Day.
The earlier number of 114,000 provisional ballots to be processed has been updated to 122,000 provisional ballots.
So far, of the 122,000 provisionals, 8,500 have been processed.
Of those 8,500, 6,900 have proved to be valid.
1,600 are invalid. 
The percentage of valid provisionals is 81%.  The same as 2008.
So far, 49% of the total provisionals cast were from voters who had received early ballots.
There are 1006 conditional provisionals waiting for voters to return with ID.  In 2008 there were 1911.
(I was told that in 2008 there were 99,000 provisional ballots.  I haven't confirmed that myself.)
The process for verifying the early ballots that were dropped off (at least 100,000) takes time. But not as long as verifying the provisionals.  So the number of ballots that are actually tabulated each day now will be lower.  On a good day they could put 80 - 100,000 ballots through the machines.  Friday they did 17,000 and yesterday they did 44,788.
The press release from Yvonne Reed said that 200,000 early ballots "still remain to be processed for tabulation."
As more votes are counted some of our Democratic candidates are widening their leads. And in one bright spot please note that CAWCD candidate
Heather Macre has gained enough votes to make it in to the win column.  I feel confident that she will stay there as more votes are tabulated.
Please stay tuned.

In solidarity,
Ann Wallack
Chair, Maricopa County Democratic Party

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Adding to the confusion, election officials are being deliberately opaque about how the provisional ballot verification process works, how many ballots are outstanding, and why so many ballots were cast provisionally. Further, this lack of transparency along with the state's poor ability to execute the vote-by-mail process and ensure that all who signed up receive their ballots, has created mass confusion and threatens to undermine the perception of legitimacy for the entire election. 

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